Bawdy jokes
Light touches across my skin that straddle the line between tickles and strokes
Realizing no one heard me after I slip up and let out a string of curses in an inappropriate setting
Seeing green trees for the first time after winter
The fist sip of champagne
Chance encounters with kindred souls
Beyoncé performances
The mixture of exhaustion and determination
I feel upon reaching a hike's midway point
Waking up naked to sunshine in my eyes
Music festivals
Playing masseuse and settling into a comfortable rhythm, confirmed by a relaxed sigh
Walking on the jetway, knowing a delicious adventure is afoot
Sensual kisses with minty cool breath
'Ladies Only' dinner parties
Catching a great art exhibit days before the installation is transferred
Playing 70s hits during road trips
Brunch after painting the town red the night before
I love
Updated: May 23, 2020